This is a Stanford University Sociology Program Community Service. Here are real-world dating experiences and tips from tens of thousands of actual web users. Collected from every major social network and submitted articles, this repository holds the secrets of dating in the modern age. This is how internet dating REALLY works!

How Internet Dating ACTUALLY Works! User Experience Reports:





WEB SAFETY: How to stay safe and protect your privacy on the web:



Most people that sign up for online dating cancel it within a few weeks because of the technology disconnect. Be informed and win at online dating by reading this huge compendium of actual user experiences. Every online dater is either looking for: marriage, sex, free food, money, social revenge, distraction, entertainment, narcissistic validation, arm-candy, friends, a baby-daddy or related goals. See how others reach these targets, for good or evil, by reading these documentations.


-- There are over 100 companies around the globe that scan every single dating and social media site, every few minutes, for new profiles and harvest the posted photos. Your photos are instantly compared, via AI software and massive computer arrays, with every social media site (ie: Facebook, Linkedin, Google, Instagram, etc.) to reveal who you actually are and produce a digital dossier on you (that will be available on you forever). If you are in a lawsuit, or politics, that data will be used to harm and defame you. If you have assets, that data will be used to hack your bank accounts and medical records and blackmail you. By now, any educated person should already know this, as it is widely covered in the news. Anyone who pooh-poohs this is most likely a hacker using a fake dating or Linkedin profile. There are millions of fake dating and Facebook profiles operated by Russian and Chinese spies and data harvesters.

-- Big tech has made online dating a bidding war for sex, free dinners and money. As a guy you will find that in New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area, all of the guys you are competing against make over $160,000.00 per year, have excellent condo's, BMW's and take girls to $100.+/per ticket shows. If you can't compete with that then your entire online dating experience will consist of feeding one girl after another free food and then never hearing from them again. As a woman you will find that all of the women in those areas have big fake boobs, cow fat injected lips, visible abs, insectoid eyebrows, and deep dark spray tans and they WILL do anal, if you can't compete with that then you are stuck dating used car salesmen who might take you to Denny's. Big tech guys will dump you four weeks later because you are "old news" and they can get 100,000 other Instagram hookers and nasty girls on any time they want to.

-- Before your first blind meeting, exchange text numbers on your burner phones or you will likely not find each other if you have never seen each other in 3D before.

-- Famous dating site owners, like IAC,, okcupid, zoosk, farmers only, plenty of fish, etc., use your private information ILLICITLY by rigging the system exclusively for themselves and their crony insiders to gather information on you. Stay informed about corporate dating site face harvesting, privacy abuse, reading of users messages, selling users to political parties and other misdeeds. Your face on a dating site can lead to the hacking of your bank account in 10 minutes if an experienced hacker is using face comparison AI software across social networks. Protect yourself by reading

-- A "Date" means that both parties are agreeing to meet based on the belief that both parties believe there is a chance of sex occurring. A "Hook-Up" means that both parties are agreeing to meet just for sex.

-- Over 50 groups scan every photo on a dating site to look for political exploitation opportunities. Do not think that your dating profiles are exempt from scanning by political party operatives. Many of the big dating sites sell your data to the DNC and/or RNC.

-- Russian, Nigerian and Chinese "Fake Profile Farms" have placed millions of fake profiles on all of the dating sites. Some dating sites are MOSTLY fake profiles. When you write to them, expert texting scammers, or AI bots, respond to you in an extremely convincing manner. Never believe someone is real from a dating site until you have met them in person in front of a local coffee shop.


-- Have you noticed how most of the sign-up questions on sites like OKCupid are questions about your political beliefs? Political party operatives are also getting a copy of those answers on some of these sites...

-- Never communicate more than a few generic sentences (to arrange to meet) over an internal messaging system on a dating site. Everything you type on a dating site message system is often read by bored staff at the dating site, harvested by government analysts, scanned by marketing companies for phone numbers and email addresses, read by hackers and archived for years for future legal and political analysis. Intention analysis of your words is sold to political parties and other third parties. Get your communication OFF of the dating site ASAP. Never say too much about yourself or place very much private data on a dating site. The messaging system inside a dating App is one of the most dangerous threats to your privacy.

-- If you have been on many dating sites you have had a huge number of first date/meetups but they ended in failure since you are not in a relationship with those people. You may have dated people longer but those relationships did not work out either or you would not be on a dating site. The thinking that "getting to know someone" has any value in dating has already been proven wrong by your own past experiences. 'Waiting in dating leads to undating'. Most marriages end in divorce and that proves that you can never "get to know someone". All people dating are always looking for an imperfection so they can rationalize the: "Delete"..."Next"..." option to switch to the next person. The so-called "perfect" match can never be found. The Grass-Is-Always-Greener-On-The-Other-Side-Of-The-Fence never ends in online dating. You CAN get a rapid paced pseudo-feeling of "social action" by going through many people but that is shallow. The only thing that works is to take the next person, that is not too ugly, and partner with them and craft a relationship TOGETHER.

-- People on dating sites with photos that look like they are fashion models or with pictures that have advertising type poses and make-up could be sociopath narcissists. If they look like they should have people lined up to date them, they probably do. There are a certain number of angry divorcee-type people, who hate the other gender because of a bad divorce and want to punish all those from that other gender by being mean to them online. Watch out for internet hotties who just have a "LOOK AT ME" insecurity complex and have no intention of ever meeting anybody. See:

-- Everyone on an internet dating site is presumed to be open to having sex, otherwise they would be on Facebook or Meet-Up if they were just looking for a social herd interaction sorority type hang out. Don't be offended if sex comes up earlier in the conversation that you expect. That is the nature of the internet. You both need to text each other that you BOTH agree to "a monogamous, committed relationship", in writing, or you need to expect the other person to be sleeping with the other members on the dating site on the nights that they are not with you.

-- Before dating, make sure your doctor has tested you for: 1.) HIV (; 2.)  Hepatitis C; 3.) Herpes Simplex II; 4.) Syphilis (; 5.) Chlamydia (; 6.) Gonorrhea (; 7.) Trichomoniasis; 8.) HPV; 9.)  Mycoplasma; 10.) Ureaplasma; 11.) COVID; 12.) Anal sore; 13.) Vaginal Fungus. Consider getting a prescription for the AIDS prevention drug: "Prep" and try using "topical microbicide STD gel" to kill STD's.


-- Facial symmetry and social similarity herd programming are the two biggest factors you are up against in on-line dating. Try to get past these biological subliminal conditioning factors  and date outside your "comfort zone". Don't date people that look exactly like your social cliques faces. Try not to date people that all look like they go to the same frat house or sorority.

-- Internet dating has put men in the position of being used for free dinners while each woman has many other men buying them dinners the same week. Internet dating has made men hyper-sensitive about being "used". The first few dates from an internet connection must be "dutch" these days, to avoid conflict.

-- Men who date via internet sites will eventually always get sex, so they expect it more than usual because the internet changes the numbers game.

-- Billionaires from Google, Facebook, Netflix and Linkedin are hard to date because most of them have a number of sex  workers (hookers and rent-boys) they retain weekly plus they have an account with every dating site and a "social connections" manager. The nights that they are not with you, they are with a person from another dating site and they get bored of each person after a couple of weeks and dump them in their constant search for new distractions. If you can get pregnant by one of them, though, you can get a phenomenal payday.

-- People who have many photos but only photos of their face are usually fat. Beware.

-- Move fast on new members that just joined a dating site because people quit, or get scooped up, as soon as they appear as "new meat" on a dating site for the first time, most internet daters move fast in order to avoid missing out. If you don't get to date a new member within a week or so, they will have been taken by someone else or they will have found out how tough dating sites are and quit. You have about 11 days to make your case to a new member or they will be gone. If you are a guy, you are competing against thousands of other guys all trying to sound richer, more fun, more together, more employed, sexier and more interesting than you. The early bird gets the worm and it is truly a numbers game online. This is the harsh, but true reality of it...even more so in a post-Pandemic world.

-- "HOW ARE YOU STILL SINGLE?" or "What's the catch?" or "You must have a secret wife"? imply that someone may not be "perfect". In fact: Nobody is perfect. Every Silicon Valley CEO beat his wife, cheated on taxes and stocks, hires hookers and abused their workers. Their divorce court filings prove it. Even though they had chiseled symmetrical facial features and drove an over-priced race car, they almost all turned out to be dirty when you scratched the surface. Outsiders are never allowed into their club, so, hopefully, you won't get programmed to do those things. People's faults are usually the same as their abilities. Some people love them, some don't. Employers hire them for those peculiarities. You'd have to hang out with the live version (not the internet facade) to see. There is no living human that does not have things about them you will not like. Most people are programmed to have an extreme reaction if they hear a word like "drinking", "partying", "organized", etc. if their last break-up was with a person who had a problem with one of those things. Oxytocin, and other brain chemicals, program non-rational trigger-reaction thinking into people over baggage from their bad break-ups. The smarter you are, the easier it is for you to venture outside the social bubble you were conditioned to, previously, operate in. Doing things with another human takes work. ANYBODY can get along with anybody if they just try. The internet makes people reject others, for no valid reason, just because it is a push-button machine operation. Humans are organic. The internet is a heartless machine. You should only decide about people from in-person meetups. First time meetings over the internet cannot possibly ever work. You have to meet people, in-person, in the real world. If a person online is not willing to meet in-person, then there is no legitimate reason for them to have a profile up unless they are a Russian troll or free-meal hunter.

Exaggerated Fake Gestures And Facial Expressions, Used By Internet Dating 'Influencers', Are Killing The World


In order to get more money (ie: "clicks") Dixie D'Amelio, and every other kid web narcissist, posts pictures and video clips of themselves engaing in 1950's Madison Avenue-type facial extremes and gestures. In "Exaggerating Facial Expressions: A Way to Intensify Emotion or a Way to the Uncanny Valley?" Meeri Mäkäräinen, Jari Kätsyri & Tapio Takala ( via Cognitive Computation volume 6pages708721(2014) show how media deployment of fake expressions can ruin society, kids in particular.

They said "...Exaggeration of facial expressions is used in animation and robotics to intensify emotions. However, modifying a human-like face can lead to an unsettling outcome. This phenomenon is known as uncanny valley. The goal of this study was to identify the realism level and magnitude of facial expression that produce the maximum amount of emotional intensity and the minimum amount of perceived strangeness. We studied the perceived intensity of emotion and perceived strangeness of faces with varying levels of realism (from schematic to photorealistic) and magnitude of facial expressions (from neutral to extremely exaggerated). We found that less realistic faces required more exaggeration to reach the emotional intensity of a real human face. While there is a range of emotional intensity that can be expressed by real human faces (from neutral to full intensity), we found that the same range of emotional intensity could be expressed by artificial faces when exaggeration was used. However, attempts to express emotional intensities outside this range using exaggeration led to strange-looking faces at all levels of realism." Their study began to open the doors of "fake facing" which is creating divisiveness in society by created popular kids and distance unpopular kids without the desire or facial muscles to copy them.

A kid "Influencer" named Cadena is now dead too. His passing is the latest in a string of young social media star deaths, following 19-year-old Landon Clifford, star of YouTube’s “Cam & Fam,” who hanged himself in August after struggling with depression and drug addiction for years. Mommy vlogger Nicole Thea, 24, who was pregnant, died of a “massive heart attack” in July. Siya Kakkar, 16, a viral sensation with more than 2 million followers on TikTok, died by suicide in June.

So while cute little Dixie, and her peers, may not be Satan's children, they are creating great harm in the world. Here is how:

In their study; "Felt, false, and miserable smiles" Paul Ekman & Wallace V. Friesen (Journal of Nonverbal Behavior volume 6, pages238–252(1982)" describe how theoretically based distinctions linked to measurable differences in appearance are described for three smiles: felt smiles (spontaneous expressions of positive emotion); false smiles (deliberate attempts to appear as if positive emotion is felt when it isn't); and, miserable smiles (acknowledgements of feeling miserable but not intending to do much about it). Preliminary evidence supports some of the hypotheses about how these three kinds of smile differ.

The internet "influencers" all maintain deliberate attempts to appear as if positive emotion is felt when it isn't. They must all appear happy and excited, all the time, in order to create clicks and draw other kids into their false reality. This is why so many of them end up committing suicide.

Does Dixie know that is driving herself and other kids to suicide? No, she is just a little girl. Do her parents and marketing managers know? They Should!

Instabrats are cute and adorable and live, apparently, perfect lives. Behind-the-scenes the Kardashians, The Paris Hilton's, The Stevie Ryan's are almost all insane, damaged, co-dependent fakers who are enabled by uncaring, greedy parents and marketing companies. They are selling you absolute bull-shit fairyland facades disguised as their normal lives.

Google and Youtube's Larry Page, Sergy Brin, Eric Schmidt, Anne E. Wojcicki, Yasmin Green and the rest are hateful sick people who know how much their media damages kids but they do it anyway because private jets and sex parties are EXPENSIVE! They encourage this behavior for profit.

In college you watched the popular kids always clustered around each other Fake-Facing their conversations with nearly manic, over-interested, wide-eyed facial expressions and gesticulations as if they other person's comment about Cindy's new eyebrow pencil were as big a deal as the arrival of an army of magic unicorns. Nothing they said to each other was as interesting as they expressed with their faces. They had learned that "being popular" means that you have to look like you are having more fun than normal people and that your life is more exciting than that of others.

By minimizing the lives of others you lift yourself up in your eyes. You also drive every other kid crazy.

There are millions of expose's about internet "Stars" who were later outed as fakes. Their expensive sports cars and piles of money were rented for the photo shoot. Their smiles, exaggerated facial expressions and web lives are FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!

Black Lives Matter riots have a large basis in poor little Dixie D'Ameli. Inner city people will never have a big cool life like Dixie, the internet tells them. The influencers are so happy and rich and have none of their problems...

So kids see all this facade and kill themselves. Inner City people see all this facade and burn down cities. Influencer's tell kids and the disadvantaged: "Here is all this stuff you will never have". The notorious Fyre Festival was an amazing example of all these fakers suckering all of these suckers to a facade that clearly exposed itself for what these people are!

Is it Dixie's fault or is it Anne E. Wojcicki's fault?

I think you know the answer!